For me, this pose can lead to feelings of lightness and expansion, as if I have made a little more room inside for self-love and compassion. It encompasses the internal beauty that is revealed as we fully surrender and open our hearts.
Opening up the chest cavity - the heart space
Increases the lung capacity by expanding the rib cage
Gives good interior stretch from knee to neck
Promoting lymph drainage
Slimming the thighs, waistline and hips
Strengthens the arms, shoulders, knees & thighs
With gravity pull, blood circulation is boosted in head and hence, sensory organs are activated and helps curing hair problems
Activating the thyroid plexus
Massages the kidneys & bladder and gives simultaneous stretch and contraction to posterior and anterior sides of the body
Increases blood supply to the brain and increases memory, concentration
Reduces stress & anxiety
Helps in case of insomnia, nightmares, disturbed sleep, depression, tension headaches
Regulates the functioning of the pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands
Increases the flow of prana to brain and spine
Energizing the Visuddha ( Throat) Chakra
Activates the udana vayu
Such a beautiful asana for Cultivating an Open Heart and to Connect to our Divine Nature :)
Namaste & Keep practicing xx