
I am Dora Nemes, a Hungarian Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Women Yoga Therapist, Intuitive Sound Healer, Artist , doTERRA Wellness Advocate & Essential Emotions Coach.
I help mainly women to take control of their health, beauty and well -being by sharing the ancient wisdom of yogic practices and pure essential oils as Natural Solutions, so they can experience new levels of Wholeness, because life can be beautiful and natural.
As a mother, a woman and a bohemian soul, I live a free spirited life - in the beautiful island of Cyprus - living my passions.
Gurus & Teachers
In 2016 I have been blessed by becoming a Hatha Yoga Teacher ( RYT200) under the guidance of an indian master, Dr. Indu Arora, who is an internationally renowned yogini and ayurvedic yoga therapist ( Yogsadhna - yoga as therapy - www. yogsadhna.com ).
In 2017 a new love; AromatTherapy entered my life, when I became a doTERRA Aroma Touch Therapist & Wellness Advocate.
In 2019 I continued my studies as a Yin Yoga Teacher (RYT YIN50) with Yogi Ram (Arhanta Online Academy).
Yin Yoga naturally guided me to my next hungarian masters, Anna Mezosi & Kornoffer Tunde ( Himalayan Yoga Tradition) and under their loving guidance I became an Ayurvedic Women Yoga Therapist (MJT200) in 2024 February. This 2 years long training opened a new dimension for me.
In 2024 July I became certified as an Essential Emotions Coach ( 'Emotional Aromatherapy' - doTERRA training ). It's about indentifying and releasing unwanted, stucked or suppressed emotions so we can assess the answers and solutions within us.
I am and always will be a humble student. I bow to the profound wisdom embodied within the sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda. The vastness of their knowledge inspires awe, reminding me that there is always more to learn, to experience, and to evolve through these ancient disciplines.
The Journey
I believe in the Freedom of the Mind, Body and Soul.
When the mind is free; our life flows and everything we need, just comes towards us.
For me a slow motion of Hatha & Yin Yoga helps to become still and present, not only on the mat, but in my everyday life as well.
Yoga and Art teach us how to open ourselves to the Love inside; to Unite, to Heal, to Blossom.
The first Step in this beautiful Journey towards our Heart is Acceptance. Through this we start to make peace with our Inner World and with the Outer in the same time.
These qualities create the perfect soil for Love to flourish. As soon as we experience more and more of this all-embracing feeling towards All There Is, we become open to receive the same from everywhere.
Our natural sense of Worth and Confidence - The Faith in Our Own Self - start to flower and its fragrance attracts all our dreams into reality.
Finding our life passion is essential for All of Us to live our dreams. I am living mine not only as a Yoga Teacher, but as an AromaTherapist & Artist as well, by helping people to fully blossom while connecting them with the song of their heart.
Ride in Ease and Joy, flowing with Life in Complete Surrender, unfolding from Heart like a beautiful Lotus…
…The Higher taste of Life - Yoga.
But how did it start?
I went to my first yoga class in 2007. Why did I do so?
Simple...like most of Us just wanted to feel better in my skin.
Though I was healthy, fit and liked my job - working as an environmental engineer in a well-known company - still did not feel complete in any areas of my life. So if someone knows how is to be emotionally imbalanced, that`s ME.
Probably You know the feeling; the never-ending UPs and DOWNs; `` I love my life, I love to live`` and `` Just leave me alone, I wanna disappear from this world.``
Surely I was open for the change.
So I said OK. Yoga? Why not?
And this ``why not`` entirely changed my life.
Imaaagine... You feel light, You feel every muscle in your body - even the ones You did not know they exist at all - your lungs become bigger, your mind clearer and You just can not stop smiling. That`s how I felt after my first yoga class. There was only one thing I was certain about that I wanna go back and have this experience again and again...
5 years passed with trying different yoga traditions and eventually ended up being a regular student in Himalayan Hatha yoga classes, where my teacher - Zsoka Denes - truly touched my Heart. The Love, the Peace, the Confidence and the Grace, which were shining through Her, just changed my life, inspiring me to become a True Yogini… Someone who is living Yoga, instead of just doing or teaching It.
By practicing more and more I started to learn how to follow the Song of my Heart, hearing and acting upon my Intuitions. As a result my whole life started to change. My body, my eating habits, my whole way of thinking were transformed very positively... just healthier and happier day by day with a strong feeling in my heart; that I would like to share this Miracle with Others.