Hello Dear Reader, Today is the first day of April :) So what is this month about?
Spring detox /Cleanse Body, Mind & Spirit
RECOMMENDED OILS: Lemongrass, Peppermint, Wild Orange, Lime, Rosemary, Geranium & Cedarwood
OIL OF THE MONTH : LEMONGRASS - The oil of Cleansing
Lemongrass is in my top 5 favourite oils. I will write about it longer in a minute ;)
AROMA TIP: Put 1 drop Wild Orange and 1 drop Peppermint into your palm. Wrap your palms together, cup your nose and inhale it, hold the breath for 3 sec and then exhale. Repeat it as many times as it feels good :) We used this combination during my AromaTouch Training and waooooo I just love it. To tell you the truth I would`ve never combined these two oils together from myself. But they give a Surprisingly amazing aroma together. So refreshing :) Give it a try and let me know in the comments how was it :)
YOGA PRACTICE: Smart sequences of twists and forward bends humbly guiding the body to move out what no longer is needed.
Let me share with you one of my favourite SPRING QUOTE :
`` Just as the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly ``
Here are some ADVICE FOR SPRING :)
Be an early bird.
Wake up with a song.
Stretch your wings.
Refresh yourself in nature.
Be natural.
Let your talents spring forth.
Stay active.
Be warm and welcoming.
Keep a sunny outlook.
I wish you happy blessed Spring :) x
So now let me share with you some amazing info about LEMONGRASS.
LEMONGRASS - The oil of Cleansing
Lemongrass is a powerful cleanser of energy. It's a powerful tool in cleansing the energy within your house, room, work space and your own energetic body/ aura. Lemongrass assists you in entering a healing mode or cleansing state. In this state, you easily let go of old, limiting beliefs, toxic energies and negativity. It also clears negative energy from the third eye chakra or spiritual eyes.
Shortly I can say that Lemongrass assists in cleansing physically, emotionally and spiritually.
NEGATIVE EMOTIONS: Toxic or negative energy, despairing, holding on to the past, hoarding, darkness, spiritual blindness
POSITIVE PROPERTIES: Spiritual clarity, cleansing, nonattachment, simplicity, discerning, releasing what is no longer needed
Aromatic: Inhale from bottle or diffuse it
Topical: Dilute 1- 2 drops with carrier oil ( it can be coconut oil,olive oil, grape seed oil etc) and apply on bottom of feet. I love to use it just as my parfume too :) So I just put a few drops on my neck and I am ready for the day :)
Environment: Add several drops into a glass spray bottle and mist around home
Joint, Tendon & Ligament pain
Bladder & Kidney Infection/ Stones
Blood pressure & Cholesterol
As you see there are so many ways of using Lemongrass:)
I hope you get inspired to use this beautiful oil during your big spring cleaning / cleansing and of course on a daily basis too and/or to treat some emotional and physical issues.
I am happy to connect with you and read your comments ;)
Love & Light